CTCRI organized Stakeholders interface at Ambasamudram

A stakeholders interface programme on Improved technologies of tuber crops for sustainable income was organized on 26 July 2024 at ADH office, Ambasamudram, Tirunelveli. Mr. Elangovan, Deputy Director of Horticulture, Tirunelveli was the Chief Guest and inaugurated the interface. In his inaugural address he spoke about the technological interventions by ICAR-CTCRI for the development of major tuber crops viz., Chinese potato, elephant foot yam, taro and cassava grown in Tirunelveli and Tenkasi districts. He highlighted that demonstrations of improved varieties viz., Sree Dhara in Chinese potato, Sree Padma and Gajendra in elephant foot yam, Sree Jaya, Sree Vijaya, Sree Pavithra and Sree Reksha in cassava had doubled the farmers income and also paved way for area expansion under improved varieties

Training for Administrative and Accounts staff of ICAR-CTCRI at IMG,

Training on Personality Development was organised for the Administrative and Accounts staff (16 staff) of ICAR-CTCRI from 10 to 12 July, 2024 at Institute of Management in Government (IMG), Thiruvananthapuram. Two days training was at IMG and one day training was at ICAR-CTCRI. The inaugural programme of the training was at IMG on 10th July. Coping with stress, office noting and drafting, fundamentals of GFR, RTI, NPS and record management, professional excellence through personal excellence were among the subjects covered in the course. The training programme included both theory and practical sessions. Each participant was assigned the task of preparing an action plan. Shri. K. Jayakumar IAS, Director, IMG also had an interaction with the trainees. The valedictory programme was organised at ICAR-CTCRI on 12.07.2024. Dr. G. Suja, Director (i/c), ICAR-CTCRI presided over the function. Trainees gave their impressions about the training in the feedback session. Certificates were given to the participants. Faculty from IMG also participated in the valedictory session. The training was coordinated by Dr. Sheela Immanuel, Principal Scientist & Nodal Officer, HRD, and Dr. P. Prakash, Scientist & Co Nodal Officer, HRD and Dr.D. Jaganathan, Senior Scientist.

ICAR-CTCRI celebrated 61st Foundation Day

ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute celebrated 61st Foundation Day on 09 July 2024 at CTCRI campus in Thiruvananthapuram. Shri. Arif Mohammed Khan, Governor of Kerala, inaugurated the programme. Governor of Kerala released new technologies and publications, honoured progressive tuber crop farmers, meritorious staff and students. In his inaugural address he congratulated CTCRI for ‘the silent revolution’ in tune with nation’s goal of achieving food and nutritional security. He was eloquent in stating that through the CTCRI’s present research on bio-fortification, this poor man’s crop can become part of everyman’s healthy diet. According to Governor, the institute is a national asset, empowering farming community and provides immense contributions in national food security.


CTCRI Vision 2050 provides an oppurtunity to evaluate the relevance of tropical tuber crops in food security by introspecting the accomplishment and visualizing the challenges this sector may face in future. It also critically examines possible scenario of operating environment.